bow-embellished earrings - Gold
Croissant-shaped earrings - Gold
crystal-embellished earrings - Gold
dangling-chain clip-on earrings - Gold
drop clip-on earrings - White
drop clip-on earrings - Blue
drop earrings - Gold
engraved clip-on earrings - Gold
Goose earrings - Gold
heart-shape chain-link clip-on earrings - Gold
heart-shaped clip-on earrings - Gold
leather flower clip-on earrings - Purple
logo-embossed clip-on earrings - Gold
logo-embossed heart-motif earring - Gold
logo-engraved clip-on earrings - Silver
logo-lettering earrings - Gold
Peace and Pearls drop earrings - Silver
Peace and Pearls drop earrings - Gold
peace-sign drop earring - Gold
peace-sign earrings - Gold
pin-shape drop earrings - Silver
polished hoop earrings - Gold
smile-motif earrings - Gold
Teddy Bear clip-on earrings - Gold
Teddy-Bear pear-embellished earrings - Gold
watch clip-on earrings - Silver
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